Sunday, August 10, 2014

Myth Busting: Deer Antler Velvet Contain Steroids

In taking a nutritional supplement, it is natural that you are concerned about some of the potential impacts on your mind and body. People are interested and wants to know how can they live up to their healthiest potential, so safety is the priority for them, but with their thorough research about the use of deer antler velvet, they are often misinformed whether it is considered a steroid or a drug.

Working Out
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There are many myths about deer antler velvet and steroids. Although there are some companies that sell contaminated products, kinglyvelvet's formulas are really pure and do not contain any harmful chemicals or steroids. One of the reason that the products are in demand is because of the natural high concentration of IGF-1 on the product available in the market and helps you achieve results without using steroids or other drugs.

The Difference From Steroids

Deer antler velvet is natural unlike the anabolic steroids, which are made synthetically in laboratories. The former is made from the velvet that covers the cartilage that becomes the deers' hardened antlers. Every spring season, the deers cast off their old antlers to grow some new ones, and that allows the velvet to be humanely harvested from its new growth. They are used for supplements which we are taking now. 

The reason why deer antler is very beneficial, it's because of the IGF-1 it has, also found in the human body. It is a natural protein that our body produces and not a chemical additive. The only problem is that, as you grow older, the level of IGF-1 starts to deplete causing you to feel the effects of aging and eventually experience the difficulty in building muscle mass.

Deer Antler Velvet Over Steroids

Using this kind of supplements, it helps in promoting in your muscle growth by helping to raise and even maintain the IGF-1 levels in your body naturally not by pumping the body full of drugs and chemicals. This is a natural supplement that helps in improving your athletic performance as well as the overall health and wellness.

Anabolic steroids are the synthetic versions of the hormones called testosterone. They are only prescribed by doctors for specific medical conditions. Anabolic steroids are very powerful hormones. They will affect your entire body and a person who takes steroids may experience its side effects like painful erections, becomes impotent, decreased sperm count for men, while for women, excessive body hair, voice deepens, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Both men and women who take steroids may become bald, have mood swings, suffer delusions, tendon rupture, enlargement of the heart, get acne, have an oily scalp and skin, high level of bad cholesterol and develop the possible risk of liver cancer and liver diseases. Since steroids are usually taken through injections, there's also a risk of getting hepatitis or HIV infection from an unsterile syringe or needle. Always keep in mind that you do not need to turn to dangerous and harmful substances that has side effects. The use of deer antler velvet is drug-free and safe alternative to steroids.


Anonymous said...

I knew this blog post was existed someplace. Thanks to post such articles. Will unquestionably be using it very soon. Deer Antler Velvet Extract

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